
NAVA Group education clients include training and certification institutions, colleges and universities, preschool programs, primary and secondary schools, education industry corporations and education-related nonprofits. We provide our full array of services to our clients.

NAVA Group education solutions are based on nearly 25 years of hands on experience with significant pre-school to high school and college placement/exchange student domain expertise. At NAVA, we aim to empower and support 21st century African educators in finding new and innovative methods and techniques to create a win-win for all.

Our team works with clients to identify and implement ways to improve techniques and processes, optimize financial resources, and engaging all stakeholders. Our education technology solutions give educators the means to manage effectively to address a wide spectrum of their unique needs.

"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom." - George Washington Carver

Africa's Four Biggest Challenges (Education, unemployment, hunger and diseases, all are preventable)


The standard of education in many parts of Sub-Saharan Africa has deteriorated very badly. There is poor access to quality education at all levels - from basic primary education to university-level - the quality of education is serious and nagging problem across Africa.

The poor quality of public education and low investment in the sector have put education in a state of crisis, yet many Africans understand that a solid education is one of the few bridges out of poverty.


With one of the world's youngest populations, Africa's large and growing pool of unemployed labor has become one of its biggest challenges.

The fact that Africa's economy has been growing steadily for over a decade, considered six out of ten fastest growing economies in the world are in Africa, yet unemployment among youth is very high.

A growing economy should be a clear indication that more jobs are being created. However, the main problem with the job market in Africa is that it is largely disorganized. It is quite difficult for businesses and employers to find potential employees with the right skills, education, training and experience for the positions they want to fill.

There is also another angle to the unemployment problem in Africa: unemployability. Many young people looking for jobs in Africa don't have the required education, training, skills and experience that make them employable.

NAVA has worked in the education sector in Africa for a long time; we offer solutions to this problem in the form of designing skill-acquisition programs, informal skill building and training.


While food is a basic need and a matter of survival and despite having more than 60 percent of the world's uncultivated arable land, a conducive climate for agriculture, and an overwhelmingly young population, 60% under 25 years old), millions go to bed hungry every night.

Preventable Diseases

Apart from poor access to essential medicines and vaccines, low quality healthcare, malnutrition, and poverty, Africa's tropical climate favors the breeding of diseases such as malaria. Public health education is necessary to reduce the causes of preventable diseases.